Mr, Fogg had made it for mudge's interest to reach Omaha within the time agreed on, by the offer of a handsome reward. 麦基很希望能按预定时间到达奥马哈,因为福克先生已经照样许了麦基一大笔奖金。
Can we offer a reward? 我们能提供点奖金吗?
And then waiting for the offer of a big reward. 然后等着别人的赏金。
The boss offer a travel to Hainan as a reward to Mr Wang and his wife. 这次去海南旅游,是老板奖励给王先生和他太太的。
The police offer a reward to collect the clue of a robber who robs the bank. 警察悬赏捉拿抢劫银行罪犯的线索。(线索一般不用捉拿修饰,汉语句子是否有误?)
Every time you ever mark a behavior you will always offer a reward for that behavior. 每次标记一个行为时,你总是应该为这个行为提供一份奖励。
Advertisement to offer a reward has been widely applied in many social spheres. 悬赏广告已广泛运用于社会各领域。
However with regard to the legal questions in advertisement to offer a reward, there are great differences in theory and practice as the laws and regulations of our country in effect haven't definitely stipulated them. 然而对于悬赏广告中的法律问题,由于我国现行法律法规均未作出明确的规定,因此理论及实务上分歧颇大。
Thirdly, on the basis of contract doctrine, the paper holds high-class advertisement to offer a reward is in validity to be determined before the definition of assessment consequence; 再次,以契约说为基础,认为优等悬赏广告在优等者评定结果未明确之前其效力待定;
Basing itself upon judicial practice, by means of comparative method, historical analytical method, interests measurement method and economic analytical method, this paper makes a comprehensive study on legal questions in advertisement to offer a reward. 本文立足于司法实际,综合运用比较方法、历史分析方法、利益衡量方法及经济分析方法等,对悬赏广告的法律问题进行了较为全面的研究。
In our country, although the system of criminal offer of a reward has laws to go by, there's still the defect of simplified starting. 在我国,刑事悬赏制度虽然已经有法可依,但存在单一化启动的缺陷,实质上是依职权式刑事悬赏;
The paper analyses and supports unilateral conduct theory's law quality of advertisement of offer a reward through a practical law case. 本文通过对实案的分析,拟采用单方行为说,就悬赏广告的法律性质加以辨析并给予支持。
Basing on the unbalanced possession of information in a case, to offer a reward for information is a legal unilateral behavior by criminal investigative organs. 侦查中的悬赏是一种以特定信息交易为单方法律行为,它基于侦查机关与案件知情者之间的信息不对称而产生。
Advertisement to offer a reward for lost property shall be fixed its legal validity after founder performs his informative obligation of public summons, obligation of report and obligation of storage; 遗失物悬赏广告在拾得人履行了公示告知义务、报告义务和保管义务后应认定其法律效力;
Advertisement to offer a reward is to express openly to reward the action that can accomplish something by the media. 悬赏是指以广告的方式,公开表示对于完成一定行为的人给予报酬的意思表示。